Our course is aimed at the student who has had some experience with Shakespeare on the page, in the theatre, or at the cinema. We'll study six works, watching a film production of each play at least in part.
We'll have an early essay, two exams, and some shorter writing assignments.
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (the folks in Stratford)
Folger Shakespeare Library (the finest American resource available for Shakespeare study)
British Library (finest UK resource for Shakespeare)
Historical Editions of Shakespeare (a fairly complete run of all texts from the early quartos to the end of the nineteenth century)
Victorian Illustrated Shakespeare Archive (all the engravings from the great nineteenth-century editions)
Office: LA 43 Hours: by mutually convenient appointment
email: stapletm@pfw.edu phone: 481.6841 (message)
webpage: www.elmlsteach.org
Greenblatt et al., eds., The Norton Shakespeare: Essential Plays. The Sonnets (vol. 3E)
Please note: this is the edition I'll be using. If you choose not to buy it, you might have some minor difficulty following along.
Electronic Devices:
Yes, please. Feel free. I only ask that you use their magic powers for Good. E. g. don't use your phone as a textbook.
August 27, 29; September 3, 5, 10, 12
Short Assignment # 1 due Friday, September 13, 11.59 p.m., via Brightspace. 2 pp.
September 17, 19, 24, 26; 1 October
Short Assignment # 2 due Friday, 27 Sepetember, 11.59 p.m., via Brightspace. 2 pp
3, 8, 10 October
October 15, 17, 24, 29, 31
Short Assignment #3 due Friday, 25 October, 11.59 p.m., via Brightspace. 2 pp.
5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21 November; 3, 5, 10, 12 December
Short Assignment # 4 due Friday, 15 November 11.59 p.m., via Brightspace. 2 pp.
Short Assignment # 5 due Friday, 6 December, 11.59 p.m., via Brightspace. 2 pp.
As a PFW student, you are entitled to free software, which you'll need. If you follow this link, you can dowload your own copy of Office 365 from IT services.
Everything in your regular papers should be double-spaced. There are no extra spaces between paragraphs, and block quotations are double-spaced. Go into your copy of Word, find the Paragraph menu, and make sure that it looks like the picture to the left.
It can be on the left or the right side
Your Name
ENGL 41500
My Name
On the next line after the heading, center a title for the paper.
Begin your text on the next line after that title.
You'll compose your papers and shorter assignments in Word and send them to me in Brightspace so there is nothing in hard copy. Attach your paper as a Word document.. Do NOT send it in Google Docs. Do NOT send it in .pdf.
You are allowed five (5) absences for any reason you choose. Students who miss more than this will fail the course, without exception, regardless of circumstances. I do not distinguish between “excused” and “unexcused” absences, nor am I responsible for material that you miss because you are absent. Students who miss the attendance call (the first five minutes of class) will be marked absent; students who get up and leave in the middle of class will be marked absent. Please take care of your rest room issues BEFORE class. If you must leave, give us the high sign. DON'T JUST GET UP AND WALK OUT.
NOTE: if you signed up for the class, it is understood that you can attend it regardless of family or employment obligations. If you have emergencies, this is why you have absences allowed. Doctors's notes, team travel letters, and other personal effects do not entitle students to extra absences. If circumstances prevent you from observing the attendance policy, drop the course.
Your paper, short assignments, and take-home exams are due on the scheduled non-class dates by 11.59 p.m. via Brightspace. Late papers = 0. No exceptions. Short assignments, 2 pp. for all. Paper and exams, 4 pp. for undergrads, 10 pp. for grads. Your paper, short assignments, and first exam may be revised after meeting with the instructor in the office and discussing your plans.
It should go without saying that students are also expected to do their own work; indebtedness to secondary materials (either printed or electronic) must be clearly indicated so as to avoid plagiarism:
—(piecemeal) using someone else’s words and phrases as if they were your own, not pararphrasing or summarizing properly, even with proper documentation;
—(grotesque) using someone else’s ideas as if they were your own, without proper documentation;
—(more grotesque) allowing someone else to write your paper for you.
This includes the use of artificial intelligence technology as an aid to writing in whole and in part. Using a computer robot to do your work for you is just as unethical as buying a paper on the web or convincing a friend to author your essay.
The course grade will be determined by a rough averaging together of your paper, two exams, and five shorter assignments, each worth 25 pts per category. I reserve the right to take into additional factors into account; improvement, class participation, and, of course, attendance. Grades are not negotiable, personal, or subject to the influence of extracurricular academic factors.
You may email me at any time. I will usually get back to you quickly: stapletm@pfw.edu
Who said it? Where, and why?
Which words or phrases make reference to the concept you're trying to explain, and why does your evidence matter?
Paragraphs should be focused on a single idea, with topic sentences, evidence, and analysis. They should not consist of a series of broad, unrelated statements. If you can't say at least three things about your evidence, you haven't thought enough about it or the point you're trying to establish.
This is where we see what you've got. Which words and phrases seem especially important in each quotation as they relate to the other passages?
What each quotation says is fairly clear. So there's no need to rehash or summarize the Shakespeare. Assume we can all read it. Why does it matter? Why is it important? What insight can you bring to the material?
Scroll up to the site menu and click on Writing. Pay special attention to the sections on analysis, lead-ins and quotations, and quoting poetry.
We cite Shakespeare in parentheses by (Play abbr. act.scene.line-numbers). TN, H5
Your papers and exams should be 4 pp., double-spaced. Short Assignments: 2 pp.
You are allowed to revise all of your work except your second exam, provided that you meet with me in the office to discuss it first. You are welcome to turn in revisions at any time before the due date for your second exam.
"Assume a virtue if you have it not," says Hamlet to his mother (Ham. 3.4.160). He means to be rude. Also, if it were possible for Shakespeare's characters to come to life and speak to each other, it is something he would never say to Rosalind or Viola. However, what are their virtues, specifically, based on words and phrases you can glean from the plays as evidence? How are their virtues similar? How are they different? Do they possess elements of personality that could not be described as virtues?
Please see the hints just above on writing papers for a college literature course. Attend to the WRITING page on the home menu tab.
Paragraphs should be focused on a single topic, with topic sentences, evidence, and analysis. They should not consist of a series of broad, unrelated statements.
Late papers = 0
4 pp.
Microsoft Word only.
Please keep in mind that you may revise this paper as often as you like, as long as you meet with me to discuss it after you have turned it in the first time. Revisions are due on or before the due date for the second exam.
Our first three works, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and the Sonnets, might not seem to have much in common at first glance. As thinking people, however, you know that this would be a superficial observation. Find two somewhat brief (i.e., not enormous) passages from each play that have something significant in common. Find one of the Sonnets that would bear on your discussion, perhaps one concerning sex, gender, the nature of women, fidelity, truth, falsehood, or any other topic you think important.
As for the plays, you might find good material in Viola's interactions with Orsino and Olivia, Malvolio's bizarre but predictable misreading of Maria's counterfeit letter, and, of course, Rosalind's "lessons" for Orlando and Celia's reactions to them, and Rosalind's criticism of Phebe.
Paragraphs should be focused on a single topic, with topic sentences, evidence, and analysis. They should not consist of a series of broad, unrelated statements.
Late papers = 0
4 pp.
Microsoft Word only.
Please keep in mind that you may revise this paper as often as you like, as long as you meet with me to discuss it after you have turned it in the first time. Revisions are due on or before the due date for the second exam.
"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together."
Let's take this splendid observation and apply it to Hamlet and King Lear.
Paragraphs should be focused on a single topic, with topic sentences, evidence, and analysis. They should not consist of a series of broad, unrelated statements.
Late papers = 0
4 pp.
Microsoft Word only.
At the midpoint of AYL, Rosalind says to Phebe:
mistress, know yourself: down on your knees,
And thank heaven, fasting, for a good man's love:
For I must tell you friendly in your ear,
Sell when you can: you are not for all markets:
Cry the man mercy; love him; take his offer:
Foul is most foul, being foul to be a scoffer. (3.5.57-62)
How do these lines reverberate throughout the play? Do they seem characteristic (typical) of the speaker?
Twelfth Night
In the middle of Twelfth Night, Viola utters the enigmatic line, "I am not what I am" (3.1.141). Obviously, her primary meaning is her secret. She's not the youth Cesario, but a woman like Olivia with her own agenda and problems. However, the statement could be the keynote of the play. How does it apply to everyone else in Twelfth Night? Why does it matter?
Hamlet's line "there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so" (Ham. 2.2.231) seems to have a broader application in the play. One might even says that it "plays." What would be your response to this observation? Are there any parts of Hamlet that embody it and prove it true--or false?
King Lear
is a fairy tale from hell in two versions, quarto and folio. Its lessons are brutal. Lear receives a number of them, some from the Fool. What is the point of the interpolated material from the quarto at 1.4.127 (+1-15)?
King Lear
has a very famous line in the last act made up of one word repeated five times: "Never, never, never, never, never" (5.3.284). Your friend says it's the dumbest thing she's ever heard. You know better, and explain how it reverberates throughout the play, and, perhaps, life.